Still RX60-30

Still RX60-30

Still RX60-30
20 500EUR
- ≈ 160 600 CNY
- ≈ 22 107 USD

Still RX 60-30
19 850EUR
- ≈ 155 507 CNY
- ≈ 21 406 USD

Still RX60-30

Still RX60-30

Still RX60-30

Still RX60-30


Still RX60-30
电动叉车 STILL RX60-30
Published: 8日
Published: 8日
The seller didn't indicate the price
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看看现在哪些有库存Hydraulic operation: Joystick4+
Sideshift: hydraulic
Zustandsbeschreibung DEUTSCH
Mastrollen, Gabelträger, Neigezylinder, Mastlager Spiel
Räder vorne beschädigt und verschlissen
Felgen vorne deformiert
Heckverkleidung Dellen
Batterietür beschädigt
Batterieverkleidung fehlt
Batteriepole oxidiert
Status Condition ENGLISH
Mast rollers, fork carriages, tilt cylinders, mast bearing clearance
Front wheels damaged and worn
Front rims deformed
Rear fairing dents
Battery door damaged
Battery cover is missing
Battery terminals oxidized
Paint damage
The seller didn't indicate the price
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